festival contes sans frontieres

The Grateful and the Dead

Fairytales for Grown-ups by Ben Haggarty

Organisation : neimënster

Quand et où

En: Dark, beautiful and startling by turn, this is a story of dreams, initiations and the repayment of debts - a journey from innocence to experience, which delves into a disconcertingly familiar narrative world. Having been a guest artist in over one hundred International Storytelling Festivals in 25 countries, Ben Haggarty will make you travel from Indo-European wondertales to modern myths. Ben Haggarty is a world-class performance storyteller, whose work delights and subverts audiences across the English-speaking world. Having been trained in mime and theatre direction, and apprenticed as an 'image-maker' with Welfare State, Ben Haggarty became a central figure in the re-visioning of storytelling as a contemporary performing art in the UK. A master of improvisation, he is internationally respected for his playful, physical and challenging performances of stories inspired by international fairytales, folk tales, myth and epic, in venues that have ranged from caves to the Carnegie Hall.

Fr: Invité dans plus d'une centaine de Festivals de Contes internationaux de 25 pays, Ben Haggarty est un conteur de classe mondiale reconnu pour ses interprétations ludiques et dynamiques de récits traditionnels, qui vous feront voyager d'histoires indo-européennes fabuleuses en mythes modernes.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation : neimënster


En langue anglaise
65 min

Quand et où