
Stephanie Lottermoser

Blues'n Jazz Rallye 2017

Organisation: Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO), neimënster

Quand et où

En: The German saxophonist and singer presents a groovy mix of jazz, funk and pop with her band. Her compositions and arrangements are influenced by personal encounters, influences and stories. Alternating between tenor sax and singing, she has found her own musical language, her style. She is one of the few women who have established themselves as instrumentalist in the in Munich still male-dominated jazz scene, the Süddeutsche Zeitung acclaimed the musician in 2014.

Fr: Née en 1983, Stephanie Lottermoser est une musicienne et chanteuse issue de la scène de jazz munichoise qui joue du saxophone depuis l'âge de 14 ans. Avec son groupe, elle nous présente un mélange très groovy de jazz, funk et pop.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation: Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO), neimënster


Quand et où