
Parallel – Broken Secrets

How do secrets prevent freedom?

Organisateur: neimënster / Procur.arte Parallel european photo based platform

Quand et où

from 22.06.2021

to 11.07.2021

EN: Broken Secrets examines public and private conversations. Drawing from historical and contemporary narratives, the exhibition investigates distrust and deception, showing the fragility of institutional and personal connections and questioning the line between truth and falsehood. How do secrets prevent freedom? How are we incarcerated, not only by what we know but by what we don't know, by what is omitted? By depicting diverse aspects of secrecy, four artists: Avetisjans (Riga), Jiang (Shanghai), Selley (London), Yaghmaian (Tehran) actively take part in this dialogue. The stories embedded in their work tell secrets, keep secrets, or sometimes abruptly reveal them. They speak to larger questions of militancy, migration, oppression, and victimization.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisateur: neimënster / Procur.arte Parallel european photo based platform


Ouverture le 11.07 à partir de 18:00
Email: contact@neimenster.lu
Tel: +352 26 20 52 444

Web: parallelplatform.org

Quand et où

from 22.06.2021

to 11.07.2021