
Palavras e Palavras

A dance show by Moa Nunes

Organized by Moa Dance Asbl in collaboration with CCRN.

Quand et où

Palavras e Palavras was born from the desire to explore language. It is about our need to express ourselves, to be heard, and to be understood. Words are usually thought as the spoken and written ones. For Moa Nunes, words are much more. Their power is often underestimate. Words are precious: they can heal, they can hurt, they can be true and kind, they can lie, they can be destructive and deceitful, they can be empty, they can be inspirational. They create worlds and they change the reality.

Yet, sometimes there is no need for words and at other times, words are not enough. In this dance show, Moa Nunes goes beyond words and lets the language of the body speak.

Palavras e Palavras explores the power of words, how we use them to make our ideas, emotions and memories breathe through the medium of dance. The words work in unison with the body, the two telling a story together.

Palavras e Palavras follows Um Olhar a Dois and Meus Caminhos, two dance shows that were performed at Neumunster Abbey in 2010 and 2011.

Organisateurs principaux

Organized by Moa Dance Asbl in collaboration with CCRN.


Length: 2 parts of 30 min. and an interval

Quand et où