
Online – Larisa Faber: stark bollock naked

Feminist Tea for free

Production: anonyma a.s.b.l. / Coproduction: neimënster in partnership with CID Fraen an Gender / Support: Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande - Duchesse Charlotte, Fondation Indépendance by BIL

Quand et où

EN: ´I haven't seen my vagina in a very long time. To be fair though, I've never even properly looked. Haven't taken out my little hand mirror and gone for a downstairs peek. Which is ironic I guess, considering that you'll be seeing me stark bollock naked if you come to watch this work - in - progress sharing. And I hope you do come along and let me tell you a story about eggs, clocks and gynecologists. About naked female bodies, what we're supposed and not supposed to do with them. About sexy nun and sexy hotdog costumes. And if that hasn't tickled your fancy, there's video mapping and a micro orchestra made up of gynecological instruments. And free tea. A feminist tea organised by CID Fraen an Gender.´

Hang around after the sharing to discuss FEMALE REPRESENTATION IN ART. The play explores (missing) female imagery that shapes our understanding of who we are and how we construct ourselves. We'd like to chat to you about the images YOU feel are missing in art history, and we're going to include them in the final show in March 2021. Art lovers, art skeptics and everyone in-between welcome.

Organisateurs principaux

Production: anonyma a.s.b.l. / Coproduction: neimënster in partnership with CID Fraen an Gender / Support: Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande - Duchesse Charlotte, Fondation Indépendance by BIL


La représentation des femmes dans les arts

Avec Larisa Faber et Catherine Kontz, animée par Isabelle Schmoetten

En anglais

Quand et où