
On common ground

The Parents Circle Families Forum

Organisé par le CCRN en collaboration avec

Quand et où

The Parents Circle - Families Forum, together with Israel's most famous cartoonist Kichka as curator, have created an exhibition of cartoons with a reflection on conflict, its consequences and showing, in many of the works, hope and reconciliation. This exhibit will act as a catalyst for the Parents Circle - Families Forum in order to bring its message of empathy rather than revenge, of dialog rather than violence.

This around-the-world exhibition, which gathers the work of some of the world's most famous cartoonists, will open at the Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster on March 15. The opening will be accompanied by a lecture by Robi Damelin, member of the PCFF, at 7:30pm, room José Ensch. Robi Damelin will carry the voices of hundred of Palestinians and Israelis who have paid the highest price and yet are willing to speak in one voice for reconciliation.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisé par le CCRN en collaboration avec


Quand et où