apero's jazz

Marcus Wyatt – Ewout Pierre Group

Apéro's Jazz

Organisation: neimënster

Quand et où

EN: This project is a collaboration between South African trumpet player and composer Marcus Wyatt and Belgian pianist Ewout Pierreux. They met over 10 years ago in South Africa through South African singer Tutu Puoane, one of Marcus' best friends and now Ewout's wife:-). Together they take on a repertoire of mainly originals with an unmistakable Southern African flavor, with a lot of soulful grooviness and open ended improvisation, mixed with beautiful harmonies and lots of lyricism. They put together a very interesting mix of musicians in a classic Quintet-format, which proved to be a very nice working unit on their first Belgian tour in November 2014. So this project will be back on tour in Europe in 2016.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation: neimënster


Quand et où

  • FR