rencontre | conférence / workshop

Maral Bolouri


neimënster ACCR - Association des Centres culturels de Rencontre

Quand et où

We were all born of a mother, a body that contained us and brought us to this world. Un-mothering seeks to explore alternative narratives of the maternal bond, female lineage, and separation. It seeks to address and undo the taboos of the mother-child relationship by addressing the hefty burden of such a demanding connection. It also questions the patriarchal expectations of women as mothers and natural caregivers that limit them in their gender roles and possibilities. In this project, Maral Bolouri uses anonymous family photos as a visual backdrop to create a space for the unspoken. Each image is embellished with one sentence repeatedly calligraphed in a loop as a magic spell. The occasionally ruthless and bitter monologues aim to undo the presumptions associated with motherhood. The artist calligraphies the phrases in their mother tongue Farsi.
Organisateurs principaux


ACCR - Association des Centres culturels de Rencontre

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Titre : I am no longer waiting for your acknowledgment.