
Laurent Kohn Quartet – It is What it is


Organisation: neimënster

Quand et où

EN: The Laurent Kohn Quartet consists of guitar player Laurent Kohn, the saxophone player David Ascani, the bass player Stefano Agostini and the drummer John Wolter. All 4 musicians have studied jazz abroad in Europe. (Netherlands, Belgium and Germany)
The reason to create this project is not only to perform the compositions by Laurent Kohn, but to constantly develop the tunes and create an energetic and expressive band sound.
The main roots of the compositions of Laurent Kohn come deep from the jazz tradition and vary between Latin, Blues and Groove. Changing moods from fast energetic playing to slow, soft and sensitive ballads; the band knows how to make use of dynamics and interplay.
The four musicians present a groovy, energetic and a varied set consisting of own compositions, as well as their favorite standards.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation: neimënster


Port du masque obligatoire
Placement en fonction de votre ordre d’arrivée
Durée: 60 minutes

Quand et où