
Down with the Walls

Organisation: CinEast asbl, IPW, neimënster

Quand et où

from 04.10.2019

to 20.10.2019

EN: The photography exhibition Down with the Walls off ers a glimpse on the Festival's main theme - the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - but from a contemporary perspective: 30 years later.

Which are the walls still remaining in Europe and elsewhere in the world but also the invisible barriers that separate countries, communities and people? Are we building new walls? Are we overcoming some of them? These are just a few questions that guided the choice of the six projects presented by the exhibition's.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation: CinEast asbl, IPW, neimënster


Entrée libre
Tous les jours de 11:00 > 18:00

Quand et où

from 04.10.2019

to 20.10.2019

  • FR