festival contes sans frontieres

Dark Tales From The Woods

With Daniel Morden

Organisé par le CCRN et le Château de Malbrouck avec Co-Productions et le Conseil Général de Moselle en partenariat avec le Réseau national du Conte en France et le Festival interculturel du Québec.

Quand et où

Daniel Morden is one of the UK's most popular storytellers. He is a passionate, dynamic and lucid performer. He has travelled all over the world telling and hearing traditional stories, from the Arctic to the Pacific to the Caribbean. He tells jokes, Greek myths, chilling ghost stories, thrilling fairy tales, riddles, romances, ludicrous lies... he combines the timing of a comedian with the language of a poet. His award-winning books and performances have won him great acclaim.

'A consummate storyteller' Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC

'It was something in his way of performing that was beyond captivating. You could listen to him endlessly. Such a refined mixture of grief, anger, joy, love, obsession, that he conveyed through effortless play of his voice....' OXFORDTHEATRE REVIEW.COM

Organisateurs principaux

Organisé par le CCRN et le Château de Malbrouck avec Co-Productions et le Conseil Général de Moselle en partenariat avec le Réseau national du Conte en France et le Festival interculturel du Québec.


durée: 60min, en langue anglaise, Séance scolaire – à partir de 14 ans

Quand et où

  • FR