
Composition Summer School 2015

Call for participants

Ensemble Lucilin / Neimënster

Quand et où

from 29.06.2015

to 03.07.2015

Undergraduate and Postgraduate composers are invited to participate in the first ever Composition Summer School happening in Luxembourg.

Composers Evangelia Rigaki and Marcel Reuter in collaboration with the Luxembourgish Ensemble LUCILIN will be leading the Composition Summer School that will take at neimënster (historic Abbaye de Neumünster).

The course will consist of lectures, one-to-one tutorials and workshops with the musicians. Selected composers will be asked to write a new composition for the Ensemble LUCILIN that will be performed in a public concert at the end of the course.

Organisateurs principaux

Ensemble Lucilin / Neimënster


The main language of the course will be English.

Quand et où

from 29.06.2015

to 03.07.2015

  • FR