autumn leaves

Claude Pauly’s Mindmatter Quartet

Organisé par JAIL (Jazz in Luxembourg) en collaboration avec le Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster

Quand et où

Claude Pauly's under-the-radar Mind Meets Matter release is one of those CDs that sneaks up on you, song by song, groove by groove and then it's over and you find yourself playing it again. In fact, it's very rare that this jaded music reviewer finds a CD perfectly balanced enough musically to satisfy over and over and over. Yeah, I spun this disc, all day at work, 5 days straight, for like 2.5 weeks. I love this disk! As a fusion junkie, guitarist, and music reviewer -- when I hear music like this, I have to rejoice. Great compositions, lotsa grooves, many colorings of tone, solid chops, digging in, blissful, exotic, overdriven, clean, and even a deft use of slide -- it all works for a solid 10! Highest recommendations for Tribal Tech meets Holdsworth in a 70s, jam-space, exotic-rock groovefest!

~ John W. Patterson of

Organisateurs principaux

Organisé par JAIL (Jazz in Luxembourg) en collaboration avec le Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster


Quand et où

  • FR