

Charity film event

Organisation : Stand hongrois du Bazar International de Luxembourg / Collaboration : Neimënster / Patronnage : Ambassade de Hongrie / la recette de la soirée sera intégralement reversée aux ouvres du Bazar)

Quand et où

Gabor Farkas is a dangerous young man who uses his numerous talents to seduce disillusioned women and systematically strip them of their money. Working as an office cleaner by night and carefully choosing his targets, this master of manipulation - capable of adopting multiple personalities - finds a job in a psychologists' practice. Here he meets Hanna, a 30-year-old dancer who dreams of returning to the stage after a serious injury and is also the daughter of a millionaire. Passing himself off as a doctor, Gabor offers his services to this lonely, desperate and vulnerable woman, winning her trust. She would be the ideal victim if love didn't get in the way, as Gabor is confronted with an existential choice between love and money.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation : Stand hongrois du Bazar International de Luxembourg / Collaboration : Neimënster / Patronnage : Ambassade de Hongrie / la recette de la soirée sera intégralement reversée aux ouvres du Bazar)


Langue : v.o. st. angl.
La projection est suivie d’une discussion autour de snacks et boissons hongroises.

Quand et où