
‘Are we there yet’- Episode 7

Transition Days

Organisation: CELL - Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster

Quand et où

from 02.03.2021

to 31.03.2021

EN: The video 'NOMADIC ARTIST IN RECOVERY', by St.Petersburg-born and Berlin-based theatre-maker Ada Mukhina, confronts nomadic and sedentary lifestyles by observing their different dynamics and comparing the objects that accompany each choice of living.

This video has been developed in the framework of Transition Days Luxembourg and is the fifth episode of 9 theme related artistic video works. 'How to live together in a one planet world?' is the overall question this year's Transition Days ask. While examining 9 different topics over a period of 9 months, such as food, energy or transport. Using the metaphor of a house - with 9 different rooms - to deal with these topics, it seemed accurate to take a look at these rooms from an artistic point of view. In order to allow another kind of access and to build a bridge to a more imaginative or metaphorical as well as to an assumed subjective analysis of these topics. The artists have been chosen by Nora Wagner, on behalf of CELL (Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg) - the transition hub, based on her ambition to display the points of view of a diverse range of artists, competent in the field of the respective thematics.

FR: La vidéo 'NOMADIC ARTIST IN RECOVERY', réalisée par Ada Mukhina, originaire de Saint-Pétersbourg et créatrice de théâtre basée à Berlin, confronte les modes de vie nomade et sédentaire en observant leurs différentes dynamiques et en comparant les objets qui accompagnent chaque choix de vie.

'Are we there yet ?' est une recherche artistique sur / avec / en transition. La série de 9 vidéos, réalisée par Nora Wagner dans le cadre des Transition Days, sera diffusée pendant 9 mois jusqu'en mai 2021, chaque mois présentant un sujet et un artiste différents.

Organisateurs principaux

Organisation: CELL - Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster


Informations :
Email: contact@neimenster.lu
Tel: (+352) 26 20 52 1
Web: www.transitiondays.lu
Web: www.adamukhina.com

Quand et où

from 02.03.2021

to 31.03.2021