encounter | conference / debate

L’Ukraine au 20e et 21e siècle

Eléments d’éclaircissement de la situation actuelle

Institut Pierre Werner (IPW)

Quand et où

In February 2022, war returned to the European continent. After the Maidan revolution in 2014, the annexation of Crimea and eight years of war in the Donbass, the war took on another dimension in 2022 by spreading to the whole of Ukraine. This war is justified on the Russian side through falsifications and manipulations of history. By bringing together several specialists and historians from Russia, Ukraine, the USSR and post-Soviet countries and societies, this conference aims to put the historical dimension of the conflict into perspective and to provide a good understanding of the very present historical dimensions of this conflict. It will look back at the 20th century history of Ukraine, from the 1930s to the fall of the USSR, but also the beginning of the 21st century.  
Main organisers

Institut Pierre Werner (IPW)

Other organisers & support

En coopération avec l’Ambassade de France au Luxembourg

Soutien: neimënster

Quand et où