exhibition | thematic exhibition



Ambassade d'Autriche neimënster

Quand et où

from 01.03.2022

to 27.03.2022

In a world filled with men making history, we often forget the undeniable contribution of strong and powerful women. The Austrian embassy to Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster, participates in the efforts to change this patriarchal narrative. The creation of this event allows us to reconceptualize the history we’ve been told and shed light on the significant contributions of Austrian women. The almost month-long exhibition reviews the life stories of female aristocrats, artists, salon ladies, scientists, women's rights activists, politicians, actresses, musicians, directors, and other significant women in chronological order. The timeline spans from the beginning of the 19th century to today. The central theme of the exhibition is the emancipation of women, including all their triumphs and setbacks. From the desire for freedom in the Biedermeier era to the contemporary struggles of the 21st century, women have accomplished a great many things. However, it is also clear that equality has not yet been achieved and that there is still a lot to be done.
Main organisers

Ambassade d'Autriche



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Quand et où

from 01.03.2022

to 27.03.2022

  • FR
  • Free admission