performance | theatre

Dans les bois

Spectacle musical de marionnettes

Sold-out neimënster

Quand et où

from 05.02.2023

to 06.02.2023

A movement in the shadows... Is it a squirrel or a toad? Do we take the path to the left or to the right of the big oak? Is that a leaf or a chestnut shining under the sun? When you walk in the woods, you always discover something you don't expect. Led by the music of the cello, the animals follow one another, the stories and the landscapes follow one another, creating a musical walk full of discovery. Each animal allows deploying a musical style: jazz, classical or contemporary. Each performance is unique and adapted to the children. The senses are sharpened, the imagination is developed and the environment becomes a character in its own right, creating a magical journey. An invitation for toddlers and their parents where music, puppets, dance and colors are mixed.
Main organisers


Line up

Comédienne/marionnettiste – compositrice: Charlotte Bouriez
Violoncelliste – compositrice: Hanna Kölbel


Sans paroles avec comptines en langue allemande