
Organisation: CELL - Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster

Unleashing the imagination for a resilient world - Transition Days

EN: Workshop ´Unleashing the imagination for a resilient world´
It takes energy, time and faith to build a resilient world. But moreover, it takes imagination to rethink what we have learned. In this workshop, Rob Hopkins will share tools and experiences from successful experiments within theTransition Network.
Let’s be courious and ask ourselves. ´what if ?´
Registration mandatory at transitiondays@cell.lu within the limits of the available places, variable according to the sanitary conditionsin place at the time of the event
Participation fee : Support 80,00 euros – Normal 40,00 euros – Kulturpass 1,50 euros

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      Organisation: CELL - Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster

      Organisateurs principaux

      Organisation: CELL - Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg, in collaboration with neimënster
