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The future is green
Organized by CIEL - photo club of the European institutions in Luxembourg and the CCRN*.
Quand et où
from 17.11.2011
to 20.11.2011
The future is green: Green in a sense of life, worldwide life, healthy life for all beings and species, green in a sense of nature, worldwide nature. But green means hope!
The future is green. A sentence which rejects the thinking of profit and recession, power and victory. The most powerful is in these words themselves: Do you want to live, do you want that future generations have a healthy and natural base to live on? Industry, excessive exploitation of natural resources, political power games. personal life style - every domain is concerned and has to react.
The photographers of this exhibition coming from various European countries and Canada, show in this exhibition a richness of statements and appeals in order to witness, to document and reflect about: The future is green. Hope is green.
Organized by CIEL - photo club of the European institutions in Luxembourg and the CCRN*.
Quand et où
from 17.11.2011
to 20.11.2011
- FR