
Organisation: neimënster / Crazy Quarantine Sessions

Concert en ligne: Pol Belardi’s Childhood Memories – Gaming Soundtrack Revisited - Crazy Quarantine Session #18 powered by neimënster - Apéro Jazz

EN: Are you missing the Apéro Jazz as much as we do? Look no further, we got you covered. neimënster is happy to support our local jazz scene by teaming up with the Crazy Quarantine sessions and bringing you a special kind of show straight to your living room, kitchen or where ever you are. Therefore, grab your cup of coffee and tune in on Sunday, 19.04 at 11h00 for the Quarantine Session #18 powered by neimënster presenting Pol Belardi’s Childhood Memories – Gaming Soundtrack Revisited! Featuring some of neimënster’s regulars and loyal friends, Pol Belardi, Yuri Rhodenborgh, Pierre Cocq-Amann, Jérome Klein and Pit Dahm, will bring you a unique performance, which is not only dedicated for fans of retro games, but for anyone who wants to be taken on a spectacular sonic ride.

It’s no secret that the soundtracks of video games, played by Pol Belardi during his childhood have left an imprint on the musician’s development. One of the first creative exercises of the gifted musician was copying and rearranging the themes of his favorite classics such as Zelda, Secret of Mana or Final Fantasy. Moving back and forth between controller and keyboard, the influences of the 8 to 64 bit repertoire are undeniable. Always amazed by the creativity of the Japanese composers in his favorite games, Pol has embarked on arranging selected themes for a group of talented musicians.

FR: Vous êtes en manque d’Apéro Jazz ? Nous aussi! Ne cherchez plus, nous avons ce qu’il vous faut. Neimënster soutient notre scène locale de jazz en s’associant aux sessions de Crazy Quarantine. Que vous soyez au living, à la cuisine ou dans votre jardin, neimënster vous offre un concert hors norme en direct. Prenez votre tasse à café et laissez-vous entraîner le dimanche 19.04 à 11h00 lors de la Quarantine Session #18 powered by neimënster qui présente ´Childhood Memories – Gaming Soundtrack Revisited´ de Pol Belardi! Le groupe, composé de certains habitués et amis de notre maison, Pol Belardi, Yuri Rhodenborgh, Pierre Cocq-Amann, Jérome Klein et Pit Dahm, vous offrira un concert unique, non seulement pour les admirateurs des consoles classiques, mais pour toute personne ayant envie de se faire emporter sur un voyage sonore fantastique.

Ce n’est pas un secret que les bandes sonores des jeux vidéo que Pol Belardi jouait durant son enfance ont laissé une trace dans le développement en tant que musicien. Un des premiers exercices créatifs du multi-instrumentiste était alors l’essai de copier et réarranger au piano les thèmes de ses classiques favoris comme Zelda, Secret of Mana ou encore Final Fantasy. En va-et-vient entre manette et clavier, les influences du répertoire de 8 à 64 bits sur l’oreille de Pol sont indéniables. Toujours émerveillé par la créativité des compositeurs japonais responsables de la sonorisation de ses jeux préférés, Pol s’est lancé dans l’arrangement de thèmes sélectionnés pour un groupe composé de musiciens talentueux.

About the Crazy Quarantine Sessions

During a time of crisis where humans need to lock themselves up in order to attenuate the outbreak of Covid19, we need to show solidarity amongst each other. Life as we know it will be different for an uncertain period of time. Some are more affected by the direct or indirect consequences than others. Artists are among those that suffer from the complete cancellation of public cultural life. But instead of staying inactive, creative people tend to stay flexible and find a solution to continue producing and sharing art. Crazy Quarantine Sessions are a platform to promote this creative energy by giving the possibility to a number of select artists to continue composing, recording and filming music, which will then be properly produced and shared on the common social media by a team of motivated friends, all artists themselves. The funds raised over here will be given entirely and on equal share to the artists that devote themselves to stay active and creative, giving their love and talent to all the people watching and making these hard times somewhat easier to bare.

Crazy Quarantine Sessions are a series of filmed and recorded music sessions during the time of complete lockdown. Featured artists are deprived from playing concerts but keep producing and sharing their music on this platform! Show must go on!

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      Organisation: neimënster / Crazy Quarantine Sessions

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      Organisation: neimënster / Crazy Quarantine Sessions
