music | jazz

Rodolphe Lauretta - Kreolia

KREOLIA is a cocktail of ultra-harmonic Afro jazz pop that highlights the multiple influences of the saxophonist of Guyanese-Caribbean origin. With surgical precision, Rodolphe Lauretta fuses funk, hip-hop, bebop and Caribbean music in this opus.

  • Plein tarif 6€
  • Kulturpass 1.5€

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    Saxophones, flûte, synthé: Rodolphe Lauretta

    Basse, moog: Emmanuel Camy

    Piano, synthés: Công Minh Pham

    Batterie, samples: Tilo Bertholo

    Olivier Laisney, trompette

    Main organisers


    Line up

    Saxophones, flûte, synthé: Rodolphe Lauretta

    Basse, moog: Emmanuel Camy

    Piano, synthés: Công Minh Pham

    Batterie, samples: Tilo Bertholo

    Olivier Laisney, trompette