music | jazz

Bohren & der Club of Gore

For more than 20 years, an intense cinematographic journey into the shadowy world of dark jazz has been created by Bohren & der Club of Gore.

Since 1992, the Germans have been drawing inspiration from the melancholic depths of the blue note influenced by an elegant kind of darkness. Their musical sound is tailored for the moment after most of us have gone to sleep but where the city lights still twinkle in the distance. This trio of jazz is at the service of the dark depths, through their soundtrack of suffocating love, worthy of the most abundant days of yesterday. With their most recent album, “Patchouli Blue”, Bohren & der Club of Gore prove once again, that they still have a few cards up their sleeves, with always a special focus on their aesthetic of darkness.

  • Plein tarif 22€
  • Tarif Réduit 9€
  • Kulturpass 1.5€

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    Saxophones, Fender Rhodes, Piano, Vibraphone, Drums: Christoph Clöser

    Organ, Mellotron, Piano, Moog, Guitar, Drums: Morten Gass

    Bass, Double Bass, Drums: Robin Rodenberg

    Main organisers


    Line up

    Saxophones, Fender Rhodes, Piano, Vibraphone, Drums: Christoph Clöser

    Organ, Mellotron, Piano, Moog, Guitar, Drums: Morten Gass

    Bass, Double Bass, Drums: Robin Rodenberg