13.07.2022 - 28.08.2022
exhibition | contemporary art

Berthe Lutgen - L’Emprise du Réel

Berthe Lutgen has always tried to express her commitment through her art. The exhibition is governed by the oldest disciplines of the visual arts, notably drawing and painting. “Women at Work is set in an iconographic context showing copies of woodcuts, lithographs and paintings from the Middle Ages to Picasso’s Ironworker. I made most of my drawings from photographs I took at women’s workplaces. I want to honor them, put them on a pedestal to revere them.” Another theme addressed is pandemic and containment. “I try to identify the pandemic with the help of a major figure in art history, the still life. I show bouquets of flowers, fruits and vegetables in scarlet, but confined to the intimate setting of my bedroom, which is the place of refuge from nature incubating deadly viruses.”

Berthe Lutgen was born on October 12, 1935 in Esch-sur-Alzette. From 1959 until 1961, she attended the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris (ENSBA). She then decided to continue her training in Germany, at the Kunstakademie in Munich, and then at the renowned Academy of Fine Arts in Düsseldorf, until 1976.

She finished her training in Bonn at the Rheinische Friedrich-Willems-Universität, from 1978 to 1979. Berthe Lutgen co-founded the artist group Arbeitsgruppe Kunst in 1968 and the “Groupe de Recherche d’Art Politique” (GRAP).

In 1971 she founded the “Mouvement de Libération des Femmes” (MLF) in Luxembourg and from 1979 to 1996 she taught art education in Luxembourg.

Mon travail peut être considéré sous deux aspects : il présente une tendance réaliste en ce sens qu'il se réfère à la femme : la femme au sein de la société et l'imagerie y afférente, mais également à la représentation de la femme dans l'art .

Berthe Lutgen (2/3)

Dépeindre ces temps apocalyptiques : les guerres destructrices, les famines, le changement climatique, les pandémies est un énorme défi.

Berthe Lutgen (3/3)

Les femmes, je veux les honorer, les mettre sur un piédestal pour leur faire révérence.

Berthe Lutgen 1/3
  • Free admission

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    Inscription obligatoire au vernissage, le 13.07.22 à 18:30


    Main organisers



    Inscription obligatoire au vernissage, le 13.07.22 à 18:30
